New and existing Farm Fresh to You customers can use promo code ALAMO to send 10% of every delivery back to the Ed Fund! Check out their website to add in the promo code. We’ve earned $851.02 since June with only 6 participants! Imagine how easy it would be to earn $ with more customers! Thanks for your support!
Start your online shopping trips through FlipGive and your everyday purchases will earn cash back for our school! Optional: use code YLP5ZX to create an account connected to the Alamo School Education Fund team.

Use code GoodEggsForAlamo

Shop at Sports Basement and join their Basementeer program! A one-time fee of $25 gets you 10% off all your orders and 10% goes back to the charity of your choice. Make sure you select "Alamo Elementary-Alamo-SRVEF" as your beneficiary to benefit the Alamo Ed Fund!

Are you purchasing holiday cards, calendars, prints or gifts? Use promo code FUNDRAISEALAMO. This code is available for use all year long at Minted to enjoy 20% off your order and give 15% back to Alamo!